
Halal System
According to
MS 1500:2009

  • Recognized in Malaysia and International market.
  • Prepare your company for Jakim Halal certification

Halal food is a demand in Malaysia and International market. According to the halal definition in Trade Descriptions, Halal foods/goods is defined as:

  1. Foods/goods can be consumed or used by a Muslim friend
  2. The foods/goods neither is nor consist of or contains any part or matter of an animal that is prohibited by Shariah law for a Muslim to consume or that has not been slaughtered in accordance with Shariah law and Fatwa;
  3. It does not contain anything which is impure/najs according to Shariah law and Fatwa;
  4. It does not intoxicate according to Shariah law and Fatwa;
  5. It does not contain any part of a human being or its yield which are not allowed by Shariah law or Fatwa;
  6. It is not poisonous or hazardous to health;
  7. Is has not been prepared, processed or manufactured using any instrument that is contaminated with najs according to Shariah Law and Fatwa; and 
  8. Has not in the course of preparing, processing or storage been in contact with, mixed, or in close proximity to any non-halal food/ goods. 

Halal food is not only about the materials, but also covering entire processing flow

In order to set up a good Halal system, it required the commitment from business owner to establish a documented system to ensure the product produced can maintain Halal status from incoming, storage, processing, packing and delivery. 

The requirements of Halal  system, according to MS 1500:2009, comprises following elements:

  1. Management responsibility
  2. Premises
  3. Devices, utensils, machines and processing aids
  4. Hygiene, sanitation and food safety
  5. Processing of Halal food
  6. Storage, transportation, display, sale and servings of halal food
  7. Packaging, labelling and advertising
  8. Legal requirements

By complying all requirements specified in the standard MS 1500:2009, the business owner can apply Halal certification by Jakim to verify through site inspection by the authority. Once approved, the business owner may mark the product with halal certification mark. 


Want to know more on how to set up a Halal system? Contact us now!

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